Mubadala World Tennis Championship is a professional tennis exhibition tournament that began in 2009, by the International Management Group (IMG) and sponsor companies Flash Entertainment, in Abu Dhabi. The tournament is broadcasted yearly across 95 countries, reaching 509 million viewers, to witness world-class tennis champions players such as Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Kevin Anderson, Venus Williams, and Serena Williams.
Mubadala Investment Company and Flash Entertainment, the current organizers, sought out to find a digital partner to create a high-impact digital marketing campaign in the months leading to the event. Their objective was to support global online ticketing purchases and spread awareness about the tournament.
We developed a broad-reaching digital advertising strategy across multiple platforms including Google AdWords, Google Display Network, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn to reach a significant number of the target audience groups defined. We configured and optimize the campaign's cost-per-conversion (CPV) for ticket sales, in order to achieve the results expected. The campaign performed brilliantly, garnering more than 26 million impressions across all platforms, 264,000 website visits, and over 6,000 tickets sold online for the tournament.